Tips for trips > Pec pod Sněžkou
The town of Pec pod Sněžkou is one of the most well-known
and most frequented mountain resorts in the Czech Republic, with yearround use.
It lies in the valley of the river Úpa and the brooks Zelený and Luční, set
in resplendent natural surroundings amid the peaks Č erná hora (Black
Mountain –1 799m above sea level), Jelení vrch (Stag Peak -I.024 m (,
Liščí hora (Fox Mountain – I.363 m), Studniční hora ( 1.553 m), and
Sněžka. Sněžka (Snow Mountain), on the border with Poland, is at 1.602 m
the highest peak in the Czech Republic. Included in Pec pod Sněžkou are the
neighboring village of Velká Úpa, as well as many mountain settlements and a
wilderness area reaching high onto the ridges. The name of the town comes from
the building of ovens (pece) for the smelting of iron, arsenic,and copper ores.
which were mined in Obří důl (Giant's Mine) from the 16th to the 19th
centuries. Pec pod Sněžkou became a popular tourist centre after World War I,
and the original mining camp was gradually changed into a hub of tourist
activity. The construction of two segments of the chair-lift Pec-Růžová
hora-Sněžka in 1948–50, and the following construction of a system of
ski-lifts and downhill skiing runs,were landmarks in the further development of
the town. Pec pod Sněžkou is the natural centre of the eastern Krkonoše, with
relatively good facilities and its own inimitable atmosphere which no tourist
should miss.
Opening hours of the restaurant Country Saloon in Dvur Kralove
- Monday - Thursday: 10:00 - 23:00
- Friday: 10:00 - 24:00
- Saturday: 11:00 - 24:00
- Sunday: 11:00 - 22:00
Our restaurant is non-smoking
Book by calling +420 499 321 596
Dogs are welcome in our restaurant
Do not be worry about your pets! They are also welcome here!!